St. Saviour’s Choir

For as long as can be remembered, there has been a choir at St. Saviours. We sing a variety of church music and traditional hymns to complement the Sunday services.
Special music is chosen for special occasions and the great festivals of the Church, such as Easter and Christmas.
The choir is keen and aims to provide music of a standard worthy of the worship of God.

St Saviour’s has a 2 manual pipe organ and we are fortunate to have several organists who take turn to ensure we have organ music every Sunday at our 10am service. Further information about our organ is here.

The parish also offers an organ scholarship and is happy to accept applications at any time. Please refer to the information linked here.

MU Australia

Sharing Christ’s love by encouraging, strengthening, and supporting marriage and family life.
MU (Mother’s Union) was begun in England in 1876 by Mary Sumner, and is now an international organisation.
Our local branch meets at St. Saviour’s on the last Wednesday of each month at 10.30 a.m. (except January and December).
We attend a morning Eucharist and invite a guest speaker to address the group.

Friendship Lunch

Where else can you get a main meal and desert with wine, juice, tea and coffee for $7.00?

Come to St Saviour’s meeting room on the first Tuesday of the month for drinks and nibbles from 12 noon. Meal is served at 12:30. Come and enjoy a very convivial atmosphere.

This is an open invitation to everyone and all are welcome. You must however let us know if you are coming by either leaving a message on the church phone 08 8379 4114, or put your name on the sheet in the Narthex.

Gardening Group

Over the last five years the grounds of St Saviour’s have been transformed with a good dose of encouragement, energy and enthusiasm. There have been many helpers and donors and a few dedicated regular weekly volunteers. The group meets each Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m.

Our aim is to create a welcoming place. Somewhere sharing, caring and interesting, worth exploring; where others’ wellbeing and happiness is uppermost, with something to do and someone to listen and care.

Spring is our favourite season and has now come and brought a bevy of blooming, blossoming, and fruiting in the garden and with it glorious colour, new life and promise.

Maintenance group

A great deal of work is done around the church property by a dedicated group of volunteers. The group generally meets on the second Saturday of each month from 8:30 a.m. There is always plenty to do and a wide variety of work needing doing. No experience is necessary and all helpers are warmly welcomed and allocated jobs that appeal to them. Part way through the morning there is a break for smoko where scones and good coffee and tea are enjoyed together.